
"Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk." St.John 5:8 King James Version (KJV)
Arise International Ministries’ (A.I.M.) focus and aim is on building Families, Leadership, and Communities of Faith. The name Arise stems from St. John 5:8, in which Jesus tells a certain man, “Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.” In a moment of decision, change will awaken an individual and cause the individual to Arise. Here at A.I.M., we consider it an honor, privilege, and responsibility to encourage you to ARISE, just as Jesus did. Total Deliverance and life transformation are through tutelage under our teaching ministry, your practical life application, and our shared commitment to transforming the mind into Righteous Maturity.
Our ministry is defined by the things to which we are committed. The uniqueness you will experience in our church is through focusing on the Whole Body of Christ. Through our commitment, we do not forsake our Generation Exposed (G.E.) youth, as you will learn, but we are AIMing our Children towards God’s plan of success for their lives. Not only is it demonstrated through our mission statement, but our vision is cast through practical hands-on exercises, innovative worship through singing, dancing, audio, and visual, and the consistent gathering of our intercessory prayer and outreach ministry teams.
Our Progressive Vision - AIMing To:
· Bring Them
· Build Them Up
· Train Them
· Send Them Out
Welcome to Arise International Ministries Inc. As we operate in the Righteousness of God, our prayer is that we continue to be a house of prayer according the Matthew 21:13. In obedience to God, please help us to answer the call of God on this ministry and fulfill our prophetic purpose and destiny through submitting any and all prayer request in our contact form found at the bottom of the website. We would love to pray for you and walk in expectation and share in the excitement of ANSWERED PRAYERS!!!